Council Members

Council Members

Julie Clennell

Joint Regional Chief Nurse (Interim) NHS England North East and Yorkshire

I have worked in both the NHS and Higher Education for 38 years as a clinician, academic and senior leader with posts spanning primary and secondary care as well as the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

I am registered with the NMC as an adult nurse, district nurse, prescriber and teacher.

Prior to joining NHS England, I was Executive Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality in Local Health & Wellbeing. In this role I was part of a unitary board accountable for professional standards and development, clinical quality, safeguarding adults and children, and clinical governance across the organisation. In addition, I assumed the roles of Caldicott Guardian, Director of Infection Prevention and Control and had managerial oversight of the Medical Adviser to the Board.

I have also held Associate Director roles in Risk and Clinical Governance, Nursing, and Professional Development as well as senior positions at Teesside University in the School of Health and Social Care.

In addition, I am a Queens Nurse, NMC Fitness to Practice Committee Member, Editorial Board Member for British Journal of Community Nursing as well as a leadership mentor.

However, and most importantly I am a mother, daughter, partner and friend to some incredible individuals who fuel my unwavering passion for the delivery of high quality health and social care and without whom I would not be able to continue to strive to improve individual, family and population health care experiences through the development of individuals, teams, organisations and systems.

Leanne Hume

Lead Nurse Independent Health and Social Care Northern Region

Leanne Hume (RGN, GPN, QN) is a dedicated nursing leader and advocate for the nursing profession across the Independent Health and Social Care (IHSC) sectors. As an SCNAC Council Member, Leanne brings her extensive experience in primary care and her commitment to improving professional standards. She is also a Lead Nurse at the Royal College of Nursing for IHSC in Northern England. Leanne is passionate about empowering nurses, promoting equity in healthcare, and ensuring sustainable workforce solutions within the sector.

Cathy Winfield, MBE

Executive Chief Nurse, South Yorkshire ICB

Cathy is a Registered Nurse (Adults) with a career spanning 35 years in the NHS. Cathy in a Haematology & Oncology Nurse from a clinical background and has worked in a number of Large Teaching Hospitals and now within an ICB since their inception.

Cathy has undertaken several leadership roles during that time including bringing together teams following Trust mergers and leading a large multi-site Trust through the Covid Pandemic. Cathy also spent a year on part-time secondment as Chief Nurse Fellow to the Chief Nursing Officer for England, Dame Ruth May, which was focused on supporting the developing CNO plan for research.

The ICB Chief Nurse role offers Cathy the opportunity to influence change across system and organisational boundaries to focus on the broader challenges that population health and social inequalities brings to families. As the Executive lead for All age Safeguarding, CHC, Children and Young People, SEND, Maternity and Womens Health as well as Quality and Safety it brings an opportunity to put people at the focus across the life span.

Prior to taking up this role in May 2022 Cathy spent 13 years as Chief Nurse at University Hospitals of Derby and more latterly Derby and Burton. Cathy is passionate about equality and leading through others and is currently in her 2nd year as Visiting Professor at the University of Derby.

Cathy was awarded an MBE in November 2021 for her services to nursing.

Sarah Fiori - RN (Adult), Dip HE, BSc (Hons), PGCert ED, Doctor of Science (HC)

Head of Quality Improvement (YHCP)/ Principal Nurse (NYC) - Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Sarah Fiori qualified in 1997 and has held a variety of nursing posts in acute and community settings. Sarah worked as a Research Sister for academic and commercial trials and spent time delivering education before specialising in Tissue Viability, moving into Patient Safety and Quality and for the past 7 years specialising in social care.

Sarah is passionate about Quality Improvement in health and social care and is a Q Fellow with the Health Foundation and Improvement Fellow with the Improvement Academy based in Yorkshire. Sarah is also proud to be a Queens Nurse and values her nursing role supporting social care colleagues to deliver high quality, safe and effective care. In July 2023 Sarah received the Chief Nurse Adult Social Care Gold Award and in November 2024 an honorary doctorate; Doctor of Science from the University of York St John.

In her current role Sarah collaborates to shape, develop and share best practice for the benefit of individuals care experience. Sarah leads a team who work across organisations supporting quality assurance, safety, facilitating research and quality improvement. The York Health Care Partnership, Nursing & Quality team have several awards, recognising their quality Improvement work including the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2019 and Nursing Times Awards 2019, 2020 with two in 2023. The Quality Team is truly Integrated consisting of quality assurance officers, quality support officers, service managers and quality improvement officers from North Yorkshire Council alongside the nursing team. The Quality team were awarded a Chief Nursing Officer, Adult Social Care Team award in 2024, recognising the impact of their work. The entire team work with care providers in a joined up approach, across the whole NYC geography supporting the care market, staff and residents. The nursing team offer also extends across the City of York patch and extends into parts of the East Riding.

Sarah Fiori
Nichola Greenwood

Nichola Greenwood

Social Care Workforce Lead for North Yorkshire and York

Nichola Greenwood is the Social Care Workforce Lead for North Yorkshire and York, identifying opportunities to support and develop the whole social care workforce. 

As an SCNAC Council Member, Nichola brings her extensive experience in developing new roles, workforce planning, preceptorship, training and development and international recruitment.

Nichola is passionate about ensuring social care nursing is valued as much as nursing in other parts of the health and social care system.

Michelle Raddings RN, BSc (Hons), Cert.Ed

Lead Nurse, Independent Health and Social Care (Yorkshire and Humber)

Michelle Raddings (Registered Nurse-Adult) is the Lead Nurse for Independent Health and Social Care (IHSC), for Yorkshire & the Humber region at the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

Her role includes supporting nursing members working outside of the NHS in IHSC settings, including social care providers, and working with nursing members and employers to inform, influence and lead in developing excellence in IHSC within the RCN

Michelle Raddings
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