North East & Yorkshire

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Co Chair
Anthony Birmingham
RNLD – Registered Manager – Positive Individual Proactive Support (PIPS)
From beginning my time in social care in 2011, working as a support worker with adults with learning disabilities, autism, and complex and challenging behaviours, I qualified as RNLD in 2016.
Remaining within social care was important to me as I recognised the need for the skills and experience a nurse can bring to the support offered outside of inpatient or other health-led services. I wanted to be part of that!
There were comments and questions from colleagues around my choice, which meant initially, the decision brought a feeling that beginning my nursing career in social care might not have been the best plan; I soon recognised this couldn’t be further from the truth. I very quickly learned that social care nurses are something special!
I was able to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge, and I built resilience and confidence through autonomous work and learning, as well as through lone working opportunities I was offered. I have worked in various roles since qualifying, both hands-on with people supported, leading teams as a practice leader, and my current role managing operations across multiple services. All as a Social Care Nurse.
The skills and qualities of social care nurses are highly prized and need to be celebrated both by us as a sector and as widely as possible. I am both grateful and excited to be able to chair the North East and Yorkshire SCNAC. It's a forum that I hope will give the opportunity to raise the social care nursing voice, celebrate and showcase the great work social care nurses do, and, importantly, highlight the possibilities available in social care open to our future aspiring nurses.
There is a world of opportunity and chance to make a huge difference in Social Care Nursing, and I am glad to be a part of that.
Co Chair
Karen Roberts
Group Head of Health & Clinical Governance Quality Lifeways Group
I am a Registered Learning Disabilities Nurse and Queens Nurse and have worked in Social care and for Lifeways for 25 years. My current role sees me having responsibility for all health and well-being related policies, providing advice and guidance to colleagues, supporting people to ensure they receive any reasonable adjustments they may need, providing clinical supervision, working with our Learning and Development team to ensure colleagues are suitably trained to carry out their roles, clinical governance, ensuring we are always working towards best practice guidelines and initiatives. I love working in social care and seeing the people we support grow and develop and reach their full potential through the fantastic support they receive.
Interim Joint Chief Nurse(s)
Council Members
North East & Yorkshire
Name | Bio | Job Title | Organisation |
Anthony Birmingham | Registered Manager | Positive Individual Proactive Support Ltd | |
Karen Roberts | Group Head of Health and Clinical Governance | Lifeways Group | |
Julie Clennell | Read | Interim Regional Chief Nurse - North East & Yorkshire | NHS North East & Yorkshire |
Gill Hunt | Interim Regional Chief Nurse - North East & Yorkshire | NHS North East & Yorkshire | |
Teresa Fenech | Chief Nursing Officer | Humber and North Yorkshire ICB | |
David Purdue | Chief Nursing Officer | North East and North Cumbria ICB | |
Cathy Winfield | Read | Chief Nursing Officer | South Yorkshire ICB |
Beverley Geary | Chief Nursing Officer | West Yorkshire ICB | |
Karen Morse | Head of Area | Skills for Care | |
Kristian Garsed | Regional Regulation Advisor | NMC | |
Loucia Kyprianou | Regulation Advisor for Independent Health & Care | NMC | |
Rory McDonnell | CEO | Cavalry Care | |
Leanne Hume | Read | Lead Nurse Independent Health and Social Care Northern Region | RCN |
Michelle Raddings | Read | Lead Nurse Independent Health and Social Care Yorkshire and Humber | RCN |
Chika Obasi | Charge Nurse | Elysium Healthcare | |
Jenna Cannon | Admiral Nurse | St Cuthberts Hospice | |
Sally Dunne | Learning and Development Lead | Choice Support | |
Debbie Winder | Associate Director of Nursing and Quality | West Yorkshire ICB | |
Nichola Greenwood | Read | Social Care Workforce Lead | Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership |
Sarah Fiori | Read | Head of Quality Improvement (YHCP)/ Principal Nurse (NYC) | Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership |
North East And Yorkshire Regional Meetings
Meeting Date
22nd January 2025
24th September 2024
12th July 2024