About Us
Our Story
The Outstanding Society was the idea of Camilla Trimble who owned a Care Home in Dorset. Having achieved an Outstanding CQC rating, Camilla identified other like-minded ‘Outstanding’ providers to promote sharing best practice within adult social care throughout England.
The core team was formed of Camilla Trimble, James Rycroft, Russell Leese and Zoe Fry. There have been several conferences since the Society’s formation and we have been extremely honoured to have welcomed some fantastic speakers. The Society wishes to thank Camilla Trimble for her commitment in setting up the OS back in 2014. Camilla is no longer involved with the Society, but we would like to acknowledge the immense contribution she made.
In 2021, we formed the OS into a Community Interest Company and, since then, have welcomed some fantastic new Directors to the board. Since April 2021, we have held virtual monthly meetings with some fantastic keynote speakers. The Society welcomes all providers to sign up to be a member and encourages Outstanding Providers to become Contributors to the OS.
You do not have to be outstanding to join; you just have to want to share and learn from others in the sector who are focused on being the best they can……… Best of all, it’s free!

Zoë Fry OBE, RN
Executive Director

James Rycroft
Managing Director – VIDA Healthcare

Samantha Crawley
Chief Executive Officer – Bracebridge Care

Sanjay Dhrona
Managing Director, The Close Care Home

Ruth French
Operations Director – Stow Healthcare

Caroline Cosh
Managing Director – Clifton Homecare

Lara Bywater
Director – LDC Care Company

Alan Fry
Head of Operations

Sonia Pritchard
Executive Administrator

Lucy Knight
VIVALDI Social Care Coordinator

Mike Slator
Project Support Specialist

Jenni Mack
Communications & Partnership Lead