SCNAC Partners

Skills for Care has a dedicated site to support nursing in social care.

Whether you’re an employer or part of the workforce there are plenty of opportunities to stay updated and get involved in our work by joining the nursing community.

If you’re interested in a career in social care as a registered nurse have a look at our nursing careers in social care pages. There’s also information about pre-registration nursing and supporting nurses and nursing associates who are new to the register or to social care through preceptorship programmes.

Take a look at A Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care in England which was published in July 2024 and has specific reference to the nursing workforce.


The QNI works with nurses in any community setting, as well as primary care and social care. We award the title of Queen’s Nurse in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and we support innovation programmes, leadership programmes, and a wide variety of professional development opportunities for nurses at all stages of their career. We also work with educators and produce standards of education and practice for study at an advanced level in a number of specialisms in community nursing. We provide financial assistance for working and retired nurses who are in need, and other forms of individual support.

To find out more please visit our website or email

NHS and Care Volunteer Responders is a flexible volunteering programme supporting the NHS and adult social care across England. The programme provides adult social care providers with readily available, appropriately checked volunteers to support people drawing on care services. Health and care teams can refer people for Check In and Chat friendly telephone calls. They can also request Pick Up and Deliver support to help with the delivery of medication and supplies and support with essential shopping and prescription delivery through the Community Response service.

Making a referral is easy, just call the Support Team on 0808 196 3382 or visit

Since 2008, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has engaged healthcare professionals, patients and wider community to understand the connections between health and environment, and to reduce healthcare’s resource footprint. The Centre offers strategic input and consultancy on sustainable healthcare research and practice.

The Digital Care Hub provides free information, guidance and support to enable adult social care providers to make the most of digital technology – and to do it safely.

They are an independent consortium, led by care providers, who understand the needs and challenges facing the diverse range of organisations in the care sector. They work closely with care providers, technology suppliers, organisations representing people who draw on services and carers, commissioners and regulators as well as NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care to inform and influence policy, guidance, and implementation plans.

They run a national and local support programme called Better Security, Better Care to help adult social care providers to store and share information safely. It covers paper and digital records and focuses on helping care providers to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit – the annual, online self-assessment.

The RCN Foundation are an independent charity whose purpose is to support and strengthen nursing, midwifery, and social care to improve the health and wellbeing of the public. They do this by supporting individuals by making grants for financial hardship and offering education grants to support with professional development. Their support is open to any current and former nurse, midwife, healthcare/midwifery support worker, student and nursing associate and you do not have to be a member of the RCN to access their support.


They invest in the profession by funding nursing and midwifery led projects, including the establishment of the first UK Chair in Adult Social Care Nursing. Additionally, through a partnership with ShinyMind, an evidence-based, proven mental health and wellbeing app, they have a number of free licences available for to those working in social care.

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