The Vivaldi Social Care Study has undertaken substantial stakeholder engagement and oversight to obtain the necessary consent and approval for recruitment.
The two working groups below formed the foundation of this work in the 18 months before the pilot’s inception. Meeting recordings and terms of reference for each group can be viewed below.
Meeting Recordings
Engagement & Communication Workstream
The aim of this working group is to agree an approach to engagement and communication for the pilot study that is acceptable to care home residents, staff, relatives, stakeholders and providers.
Map existing models of engagement and communication for social care
The aim of this working group is to agree an approach to data governance and oversight for the pilot study that is likely to be acceptable to care home residents, staff, relatives and providers. This will inform decisions regarding our consent model, subsequent applications for ethical and governance approvals, and the development of materials that can be used to explain the study and specifically how we are using data in the study to residents, their relatives / friends, care home staff and providers.